lunes, 26 de agosto de 2019

Resultado de imagen para megamente


There are so many kind of villains, one in particular i want to stand out, his name is Megamind or Megamente in spanish , he is from the film called like him; "MEGAMIND", that arrived to the whole cinemas in 2010. He is not like any villain, first of all he had a blue entire body, so weird if u see him because is like a human but with a big head.
I saw that movie arround the year 2012 on TV, the movie turns arround in a story about Megamind, he wants to be the evilest villain on earth but many events stop him, so he finished being so good, with feeling toward a woman , and saving the word fighting against Titan, a geek boy that turns into a crazy villain.
So , i like that villain because from the movie you learn that even the evilest villain on a movie can had a heart, empaty or be a good guy. That is the message in this movie, i laughed a lot, the animation and soundtrack are the best, all this gives to megamind personality and suspicacy.
In conclution he is the best hibrid betwen a hero and a villain. Like Herollain.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019

A family meal that i remember

I remember with so much affection a dinner that we had with Alfredo . He passed away about 1 year and a half. So i remember that family meal with a little bit of nostalic too. It was in our home , there in Melipilla, i can remember that was in a festive time of year, in 2015, i'm not sure if it was in september or december .馃槄
Alfredo was the partner of my mother, he loved to make "asaito" times. So we gathered together and we used to eat meal and a lot of letuce. Those time was so grateful , we laughed a lot that night. Also as ever we enjoyed listen "rancheras", charros of lumaco and music of these kind. I remember that my ancle was dressed very formal too. We drinked beers and launched jokes. On these time my sister was one year old. A baby practically. 
Maybe in a near future i could tell to my sister about these nights, so simples and good. To help her to remember the joy of her dad Alfredo, and to still being like him, because when we gathered together happiness cames to the house. There is no doubt that dinners like that stills alive in our hearts.

mi茅rcoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Things that catch my attention on the street

In the city i think there are a lot of things. So, what can catch my attention? 
Colors of course, the people who use colored hair, buses, towers or anything.
 As everyone loud sounds makes me turn back my head. Also the trees, but the trees which are dry or crooked, why peolple are so inconsiderate.
People whom talk a lot of shit steal my attetion, so my ears laugh or get angry.

Maybe one of the thing that more steal my attention are what my eyes see when i look far away, you know , that thing what all of us breath, of course, the air. I put my glance in the air, almost in all the cases makes me think about our planet and why human walk on streets, fuck capitalism that make us put attetion in the decadence's humanity. So i assume the city and i attach my eyes in the beautyness of it, im talking about central squares, parks, and green landscapes that steals my attention because are so fresh and green , the better place in the city.

mi茅rcoles, 24 de abril de 2019

Post #3 : My Favourite Gadget

There is not doubt that is my skate, its like a third leg.  馃浌馃浌馃浌馃浌

I remember when i bought it, i saved money from a littles jobs that i had and i went to a skate store for assembled it. It was about 3 years ago.

Now it looks older but i still using it to move within the city, my skate saves me time when i must go to a place that i forgot to go 馃槄馃槄馃槄馃槄馃槄

Usually i use my board almost every day, when i have to buy bread, when i go to visit grandma, when i want to take break and you know, its cool. Nothing difficult, nothing from another planet just ride up on these 4 wheels and lets go.

I like skate because its gives me some freedom, puts me in another temporal line, is like if i could be a comet going across a huge monsters called "Cars". 

Life without my board seems like a slow motion movie, the wind on my face definitely doesn't feel the same.

mi茅rcoles, 17 de abril de 2019

Post 2: Why did you choose yout study program?

When i was a tiny potato 馃, i dreamed about to be a doctor馃懆‍⚕️, but it idea was turning into a distant dream. So, i thought a lot of possibilities. Finally in 2016 i decided to start an enginner program, it was Informatic and computation civil enginner in the UTEM. That wasn't an error at all, but i didn't finish it. 馃う‍♂️馃う‍♂️馃う‍♂️馃う‍♂️

After that i really didn't think about another program to star. I waited 2 years until i realized that the Geography program馃寧馃寧馃寧 was made for me 馃槉馃槉馃槉. Maybe one of the big reason why started the geography program is that my root are from the earth, im not a citizen, im a Mapuche boy and im proud of this.

I fell so good in the university, i have passed fun times and my classmate are so freaking cool.

Now, my goal is change the ambiental law, lets save the native forrest. IM NOT A HIPPIE OK?

mi茅rcoles, 10 de abril de 2019

Post 1: My autobiography

Hi to everyone, its me, a simple boy.

I was born on March 29th in the 97'. In a awesome city called Melipilla (the best valley in the world). When i was young i went to the Ignacio Serrano elementary School. That school was a nightmare but i had goods grades. Then when i grow up i went to a boring high school called Melipilla's Saint Sebastian School .

I have two sisters, one of them is 4 years old and is so cute, i really love her so  much and the other one is 25 years old. Also i have a geek brother called Rodrigo, he is like my best friend. In my house also i live with my cool mom, my 2 bunnies and my cat called cookie.

My hobbies are so random, for example i love walk a lot but also i like to repair laptops (And earn some fresh money from that e___e). I like to ride the metro sistem in Santiago city, even i like to take photos to the trains, so, here is my favourite →.