lunes, 26 de agosto de 2019

Resultado de imagen para megamente


There are so many kind of villains, one in particular i want to stand out, his name is Megamind or Megamente in spanish , he is from the film called like him; "MEGAMIND", that arrived to the whole cinemas in 2010. He is not like any villain, first of all he had a blue entire body, so weird if u see him because is like a human but with a big head.
I saw that movie arround the year 2012 on TV, the movie turns arround in a story about Megamind, he wants to be the evilest villain on earth but many events stop him, so he finished being so good, with feeling toward a woman , and saving the word fighting against Titan, a geek boy that turns into a crazy villain.
So , i like that villain because from the movie you learn that even the evilest villain on a movie can had a heart, empaty or be a good guy. That is the message in this movie, i laughed a lot, the animation and soundtrack are the best, all this gives to megamind personality and suspicacy.
In conclution he is the best hibrid betwen a hero and a villain. Like Herollain.

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