miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

Post 1: My autobiography

Hi to everyone, its me, a simple boy.

I was born on March 29th in the 97'. In a awesome city called Melipilla (the best valley in the world). When i was young i went to the Ignacio Serrano elementary School. That school was a nightmare but i had goods grades. Then when i grow up i went to a boring high school called Melipilla's Saint Sebastian School .

I have two sisters, one of them is 4 years old and is so cute, i really love her so  much and the other one is 25 years old. Also i have a geek brother called Rodrigo, he is like my best friend. In my house also i live with my cool mom, my 2 bunnies and my cat called cookie.

My hobbies are so random, for example i love walk a lot but also i like to repair laptops (And earn some fresh money from that e___e). I like to ride the metro sistem in Santiago city, even i like to take photos to the trains, so, here is my favourite →.

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