lunes, 26 de agosto de 2019

Resultado de imagen para megamente


There are so many kind of villains, one in particular i want to stand out, his name is Megamind or Megamente in spanish , he is from the film called like him; "MEGAMIND", that arrived to the whole cinemas in 2010. He is not like any villain, first of all he had a blue entire body, so weird if u see him because is like a human but with a big head.
I saw that movie arround the year 2012 on TV, the movie turns arround in a story about Megamind, he wants to be the evilest villain on earth but many events stop him, so he finished being so good, with feeling toward a woman , and saving the word fighting against Titan, a geek boy that turns into a crazy villain.
So , i like that villain because from the movie you learn that even the evilest villain on a movie can had a heart, empaty or be a good guy. That is the message in this movie, i laughed a lot, the animation and soundtrack are the best, all this gives to megamind personality and suspicacy.
In conclution he is the best hibrid betwen a hero and a villain. Like Herollain.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019

A family meal that i remember

I remember with so much affection a dinner that we had with Alfredo . He passed away about 1 year and a half. So i remember that family meal with a little bit of nostalic too. It was in our home , there in Melipilla, i can remember that was in a festive time of year, in 2015, i'm not sure if it was in september or december .😅
Alfredo was the partner of my mother, he loved to make "asaito" times. So we gathered together and we used to eat meal and a lot of letuce. Those time was so grateful , we laughed a lot that night. Also as ever we enjoyed listen "rancheras", charros of lumaco and music of these kind. I remember that my ancle was dressed very formal too. We drinked beers and launched jokes. On these time my sister was one year old. A baby practically. 
Maybe in a near future i could tell to my sister about these nights, so simples and good. To help her to remember the joy of her dad Alfredo, and to still being like him, because when we gathered together happiness cames to the house. There is no doubt that dinners like that stills alive in our hearts.